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Personal Oracle Drawing


Your P.O.D. is an image created especially for you.


It is a meditation and reflection tool that acts as a doorway for you to access the deeper parts of your Self.


By contemplating the drawing in detail and paying attention to the colours, lines and texture while focusing on your question, you enter a process of meditative investigation in which the active mind is quietened. Your intuition becomes more prominent and so, within the field of your whole consciousness, other pathways are activated allowing you to tap into a vast inner source of awareness.


Whatever the situation you wish to enquire about, the answer you seek or the intention you set up, your P.O.D. is here to help you connect with your inner knowing and wisdom.


The Basic Package - £75


In addition to your P.O.D., you receive a complementary guidance in the form of a set of words drawn just before the making of your P.O.D. and a poem, which meaning and purpose are to serve your process of self-exploration and enquiry.


The words may give you a confirmation, may suggest a new way of considering your options or invite you to pay attention to a peculiar aspect occurring while working with your P.O.D. They act as a companion to your P.O.D. and complement its action.


Order your Basic Package here

Your P.O.D. comes with more… choose the right package for you!

The In-Depth Package - £105


You wish to work deeper with your P.O.D. and make the most of your experience. In addition to the words that come with your P.O.D., I offer you a follow-up 30 minute-session over the phone in which we will discuss the question of your choice.


Together we will explore the options available to you and reach for the outcome you wish to experience.

(Please note that the cost of most international phone calls is included)


Order your In-Depth Package here

The Comprehensive Package - £150


You wish to make the most of working with your P.O.D. and firmly anchor the benefits of your self-investigation on the long term. In addition to the words that come with your P.O.D., I offer you three 30 minute-sessions over the phone, in which we will discuss your intention and explore that which you wish to change, improve and develop at this time in your life.


Together we will set a practical stepping-stone process with the help of your using your P.O.D. and will assess in each session the evolution of your experience in alignment with your intention.

(Please note that the cost of international phone calls is included for most destinations)


Order your Comprehensive Package here

You can upgrade your package at any time!

Please send your request via the form below.


How to use?

How to use your P.O.D.?

It is very easy!


  1. Settle in a quiet place

  2. Read the words that come with your P.O.D.

  3. Place your P.O.D. in front of you.

  4. Ask your question.

  5. Contemplate your P.O.D. with a clear and open mind while breathing and relaxing.



Other uses for your P.O.D.:


  • Your P.O.D. can be your focus point at the start of a regular meditation session.

  • You can place a specific intention in your P.O.D. which would be reminded to you every time you look at it, for as long as you need.

  • Whenever you look at your P.O.D. listen to the first thought or feeling that arise within you and acknowledge your reaction.

How do I create?
How to get?

How do I create your P.O.D.?

I read your message and note the details of your request.

See How to get your P.O.D.?


I connect and tune in with your energy.

Please note that it is a safe and non-intrusive process.


I enter a meditative state and focus on channelling the drawing which is needed for you in the present time.


Important note: I cannot consider requests regarding colours, themes or specific elements in the drawing as whatever is given in the process of channelling is supposed to constitute what you need in relation to a personal and unique tool of meditation and reflection.

How to get your P.O.D.?

1 - Please place your order and make your secured payment following the procedure in section Order your P.O.D. below


2 - You may wish to send me a message with details of your intention and any other relevant information.


​3 - I will send your P.O.D. within 10 days to your postal address from the date of your order. Otherwise, I will contact you and inform you of a more appropriate date.


​4 - I will send you an email to confirm that your P.O.D. has been posted.



Which size is a P.O.D.?

The size of the drawing is not predetermined and may vary. However it will not exceed an A4 format. It needs to be easily transported and used.


What if I do not like my P.O.D.?

The P.O.D. does not represent a piece of art. It is a unique tool of personal investigation and does not stand for a pleasant or decorative artwork. The best thing to do if you do not bond with your P.O.D. at first is to take some time before working with it and get familiar with its specific outlook. What you do not like in it might be a perfect way of touching something important within yourself!


How long is my P.O.D. relevant for?

Your P.O.D. has been created for you at a specific point in time and is valid for as long as you receive what you need from it.

However, if after a while you feel less connected with your P.O.D., it might be interesting to explore a different means of using it or relating to it. Follow your inner guidance and open to what is given to you.


Can I order a new P.O.D. later in time?

Yes. A new P.O.D. might be needed after a while for various reasons: If you have been through major changes in your life since your previous P.O.D. has been created; if you need to connect on a different level and feel the P.O.D. you have used until now does not fulfill your new requirements. There might be many reasons why you feel the need to work with a new P.O.D. If you listen to your inner guidance, you will know why and when it is time to get a new one.


Can my P.O.D. be used by someone else?

It would be very tempting to affirm that it is not possible as your P.O.D. has been created specifically in tune with your energy. However, if you let the person who feels drawn to use your P.O.D. to do so, it will not affect your own use or alter the quality of your work with it, and it will be of no harm for them too. Once more, follow your own guidance here.

And the best might be for this person to get their own!

Order your POD

Order your P.O.D.

To order your Personal Oracle Drawing P.O.D., please complete the form below with your details and click send. Then proceed with payment via the secured Paypal button.


Prices £75/105/150 including postage.


Name *

Email *

Address *



Thank you for your order and message.

Please select your Package below and click the Buy Now button to proceed with your payment. Thank you!



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